Forum Discussion

rabol's avatar
New Contributor
10 years ago

Error loading WSDL



I was actually looking for an FAQ on this subject but did not find any, so please do not get upset :)


In Microsoft Dynamics AX I have deployed an standard web service but when I try to load the WSDL into SoapUI i get the following error:


Error loading [http://XXXXXXXXX/MicrosoftDynamicsAXAif60/MyTest/xppservice.svc?WSDL]: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException: error: Reference to undefined entity: nbsp


now.... The wsdl is shown okay if using an browser or visual studio


So what is wrong with SoapUI ?


Thanks in advance.


Kind regards


  • rupert_anderson's avatar
    Valued Contributor



    I cannot see your WSDL so am baseing this on what I imagine could be the issue(s).


    Firstly, opening the WSDL in a browser might be OK since, the browser may interpret the WSDL as HTML, rather than XML and therefore not validate it for correctness. If   is in your WSDL, that is valid HTML, but not XML. SoapUI is certainly having trouble parsing the WSDL content as standard XML judging by the error.


    Also it may be possible that your WSDL imports XSDs that allow the use of nbsp to be valid, sometimes the schemaLocations of these XSDs may be unavailable to SoapUI e.g. if they require proxy settings to be confgured in order to download the XSDs.


    I hope this makes some sense and isn't too off-beam? Like I say I can't see the WSDL, so cannot inspect or test it etc.




    • rabol's avatar
      New Contributor



      Thanks for the prompt reply.


      I did try to validate the XML using  - might not be 100% correct, but it claim that the XML is valid


      Is there a way that I can give you the WSDL ?


      Yes, the WSDL import other WSDL


      Now, as mentioned before, Browser works, Visual Studio, BizTalk etc. works, but not SoapUI, so... with all due respect, it might be a SoapUI issue :)



      • rupert_anderson's avatar
        Valued Contributor



        Ok, no problem.


        Well, possibly the tools you mentioned, esecially the online ones may have acces to the imported XSDs.


        I think you can attach files like this to forum posts. I have personally never tried, but have noticed other people attaching files. Please feel free to send the file.


        Don't worry, I don't work for SoapUI, and even if I did I am sure I wouldn't have any problem accepting the possibility that it could be a SoapUI bug :-) - Its just that in this case I was hopefull it might be a separate issue, like the proxy etc. Also the SOAP/WSDL code is relatively old I think and I have been able to test complex WSDLs in the past. Could still be a new bug though...


        If you send your WSDL I will have a go importing it and see if I can suggest anyting further, apart from SoapUI proxy setting etc.


