Forum Discussion

k2cjw's avatar
New Contributor
15 years ago

Cannot get datasource loop to run twice in a testcase

Hi, i was wondering if you could help me solve a problem that i am having. I am trying to create a test which will write information to an excel spreadsheet, and then call the results in another datasource loop to finalize my test. I am doing the following:

1) create a datasource to read a customer name and number from an excel file that is pre-populated with information
2) run the saoptest to read information and write to Oracle database
3) take the sucessfull results from test 2, and write to a success log file in excel
4) take the results from the success excel log file in step 3 and use those as a datasource
5)run soaptest to read success excel information to send a verifiaction to databseof the test results

Currently my second datasource seams to fail even though the information is correctly being written to the success log, i am getting an error that says " -> Failed due to missing data". Am i missing a step in order to make my script run correctly?

1 Reply

  • bo8ster's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hard to know without seeing it but I would gess that either the datasournce is not at the start when it runs (at the last row) or the conf of your loop is not correct. The example in the online userguide is good.