Forum Discussion

SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
14 years ago

Share your components here

So, you have made a custom loadUI component that you think might be useful to other users? Well, go ahead and post it in this topic and it will be published at

Below is a template that you can use when posting:

Component name:
Process Runner

Ole Lensmar, eviware

Runs an operating system process. Example component taken from

Source code:
* Runs a process
* @name Process Runner
* @category runners

// the command itself
createProperty('command', String,"")

sample = { message, sampleId ->
// start a process and wait for it to finish
def proc = command.value.execute()

// add result properties
message["ExitValue"] = proc.exitValue()
message["Stdout"] =
message["Errout"] = proc.err.text

// fail if process failed
if( proc.exitValue() != 0 )
catch( e )
// add error properties
message["ExitValue"] = -1
message["Errout"] = e.message


return message

layout {
property( property:command, label:"Command", constraints: 'w 200!' )
action( label:'Run Once', action: { triggerAction('SAMPLE') }, constraints: 'aligny bottom' )
  • thzinc's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    njcoutinho wrote:
    SmartBear Support wrote:
    thzinc wrote:
    Component Name
    Custom HTTP Runner

    Daniel James, Casting Networks, Inc.


    Looking really good Daniel!

    In case you haven't already noticed, your component have been published in the custom components gallery.

    loadUI developer

    Hi Daniel ,

    Where can i find the documentation of your product

    I just replied to your post at viewtopic.php?f=10&t=13056&p=42078&sid=b0c689d8b822911fd4da3a8862037e81#p42078
  • Hi all,

    I have just created a component which I believe could be useful to a lot of people!
    It is a stepped load-increase component which allows you to increase the load at certain intervals.

    As I actually work for SmartBear, I made it available at the loadui website, check it out:

    It is called Stepped Rate Generator.

    If the component proves to be useful and works nicely, it will be included in future releases of LoadUI!


    SmartBear Software
  • Hi all,

    This week i created a new component which I believe could be useful to some of you!
    It's called a Ramp Load Generator and produces load according to the behaviour of thread-based performance testing tools.
    This component differs slightly from having a fixed number of concurrent users like the Fixed Load Generator.
    You are given the ability to ramp up the usage for a duration, let it run for a while and then ramp down.

    Configurable parameters:

      - Ramp Duration : The time it takes for the component to ramp up to the peak load and down to zero
      - Peak Duration : The time the component lets the load remain at peak load
      - Peak Load : The number of currently running users the component produces

    Check it out below:

    Use with care as this component is fresh out of the forge and report any issues you may experience in this thread, or in a thread of your own.
    If the component proves to be useful and works nicely, it might be included in future releases of LoadUI!

    Important note: Make sure you understand what this means for your performance test by reading about the Fixed Load Generator and Essential Statistics

    Best regards,
    LoadUI Developer, SmartBear Software