Forum Discussion

_Oliver_'s avatar
4 years ago

ReadyApi 3.8.0 : ERROR: Endpoint not defined within environments.

Hi all,   I have a project and a set of tests which run fine on ReayApi 3.7.0. Today, after coming back from vacation, I updated ReadyApi to 3.8.0 and have the following issue : When I try to ex...
  • richie's avatar
    4 years ago
    Hey _Oliver_,

    It does sound weird.....

    Just so i understand. You try running the whole project and you get the error.
    You tried running the first functional testsuite in your listing and you got the error.
    You tried running the first test case in your testsuite and DIDNT get the error.
    Is that right?

    Was there any indication which endpoint "wasnt defined"?

    As it fails to run your testsuite, but doesnt on a specific testcase, do all the testcases in your testsuite execute the same apis/endpoints?

    Im wondering if all the testcases in your failing testsuite will execute successfully individually.....the behaviour of what you describe sounds like that, but id execute ALL the individual testcases just to be sure, cos if they ALL run successfully at least this means the setup within your individual tests is good.

    Have you reviewed the content of all your apis in the project to see if there's anything obvious?

