Forum Discussion

SK07's avatar
7 years ago

read json responses from test case

I want to read the two json responses outside the test step under the test case name groovy script using ReadyAPI.

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def jsonString1 =context.expand('${aPOST#Response}') //aPOST - response from test case  createApost
def jsonString2 =context.expand('$bPOST#Response}') //bPOST - response from test case createBPost
def json1 = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonString1)

def json2 = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonString2)

I couldnt read the response with the above option, would like to know the possible ways.

  • It can be done but as nmrao said it is usually recommended to keep the test cases separated from each other. Nevertheless here is the code:


    // Get the test step for which you want the response
    def testStep = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.testCases[ "Name of your test case" ].testSteps[ "Name of your test step" ]
    // Get the response
    def response = testStep.testRequest.response.responseContent
    // Log the response response

    I created a demo project which can be downloaded from


    Cheers! :manwink:

6 Replies

  • Lucian's avatar
    Community Hero

    It can be done but as nmrao said it is usually recommended to keep the test cases separated from each other. Nevertheless here is the code:


    // Get the test step for which you want the response
    def testStep = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.testCases[ "Name of your test case" ].testSteps[ "Name of your test step" ]
    // Get the response
    def response = testStep.testRequest.response.responseContent
    // Log the response response

    I created a demo project which can be downloaded from


    Cheers! :manwink:

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    SK07, what are you observing then? the above should work perfectly.

    Have you run the those teststeps already?
    • SK07's avatar

      nmrao, Yes. I'm reading these responses under a new test case and in a new test step. Note, that the responses are present in a different test case. When I run this, getting the error text as null.

      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 3
        It is good practice to have each test case independent. Not quite sure why are you reading the responses from different test cases.