Forum Discussion

jedbartlet's avatar
Occasional Contributor
13 years ago

MockService as War accessing Project.Propertiies

Hi all,
Im using soapUI 4.5 to create a mockservice, which I deploy as a WAR.
I have defined a custom property myProperty in the Custom Properties tab for the project.
I am then able to define an endpoint in one of my Requests http://myProperty that defines the endpoint.
And when I run the mockservice in SoapUI evertything works great.
(The mockService uses groovy to get the Request and submit an asynchrounous callback to my endpoint)
However when I deploy it as a war to tomcat, I guess I need to define this property somewhere, but I really dont understand how to do this.
Should I edit my JAVA_OPT to include some property, similiarly as desribed for using the commandline mockservicerunner.bat

An example or any idea directing me would be greatly appreciated

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