Forum Discussion

hek8981's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

Is running multiple projects from a batch broken?

Has anyone had any success with running multiple projects from a batch file in loadUI 2.6.8 (free)? No matter how I try to run it, it will run the first test, but that's all. It doesn't matter if I run it as admin or not, if the first test completes with failures or not, or anything. It runs the first test, and then seems to drop right out of my batch script

Here's the contents of my .bat file (scrubbed of sensitive info, but the important stuff is all there):
cd "C:\Program Files\SmartBear\LoadUI-2.6.8\"
loadUI-cmd.bat "-DclientID=XXXXXXXX -Dusername=userEX -Dpassword=password -DDateParam=04/01/2014 -DDateParam2=03/31/2014 -DDateParam3=03/01/2014 -DuniqueID=540000000971937" -p C:\Users\XXXXXXX\.loadui\projects\Project1.xml -L 31:5:4
loadUI-cmd.bat "-DclientID=XXXXXXXX -Dusername=userEX -Dpassword=password -DDateParam=04/01/2014 -DDateParam2=03/31/2014 -DDateParam3=03/01/2014 -DuniqueID=540000000971937" -p C:\Users\XXXXXXX\.loadui\projects\Project2.xml -L 0:10:5

Am I doing something wrong, here? The documentation on ... arted.html makes it seem pretty simple and straightforward, so I can't understand where my problem is.

Thanks in advance

2 Replies

  • Hello!
    It turns out you actually have to use the call command to run sequentially:

    call loadUI-cmd.bat -p test1.xml -L 5:0:0
    call loadUI-cmd.bat -p test2.xml -L 10:0:0

    So try adding "call" before your commands.

    I will update the documentation as well.
