Forum Discussion

mneiferbag's avatar
9 years ago

How to search and replace in all requests in a project?

Hi, is there any way to do a search and replace in all requests in a project?


We have a URL in all requests of our project and I have to change that. I know that I could edit the project file in a text editor. I just wonder if there is support in the UI to do it.


Thanks in advance.

  • You can open the project xml, and do a find/replace in there.  Close the project, replace, reopen :)

    • mneiferbag's avatar

      CByler wrote:

      You can open the project xml, and do a find/replace in there.  Close the project, replace, reopen :)

      Thanks for your reply. I find this a bit ugly, though. It's a bit like unzipping and opening a docx in a text editor and do a replace on the xml. :smileyhappy:

      • PhilK's avatar
        New Contributor

        You could use properties (eg. at Project level). Setup Request fields to use properties, then when a property changes (eg. URL, password, etc) simply change the property, and all requests will pick up that new value. Phil.