Forum Discussion

BNesting's avatar
New Contributor
10 years ago

custom properties for endpoints only working with default environment?

I have a rest project and we have two custom properties defined at the project level - endpoint and securedEndpoint as some of our web services require https and thus use a different endpoint.


When using the default environment, all is fine. When I create a new environment and copy all properties, and update the endpoint and securedEndpoint custom properties to have the correct values, all of my tests that require the https endpoint fail.


For these webservice requests, when the default environment is selected, the endpoint value for that teststep shows ${#Project#securedEndpoint}. When I switch to any other environment, it shows ${#Project#endpoint}.


What can I do so that ${#Project#securedEndpoint} will be used correctly when needed for all environments? We want to run our project against several environments and we do not want to update the custom variables every time.

  • BNesting's avatar
    New Contributor

    Some more info. For my webservice definitions, there are two endpoints.Screen Shot 2015-04-23 at 4.01.53 PM.png


    But when I setup a new environment, there is only one endpoint. I cannot see how to add the second one here to the additional environments.

    Screen Shot 2015-04-23 at 4.01.44 PM.png