Forum Discussion

dkact's avatar
12 years ago

[LoadUIWeb] Put request is not recognized by webload UI?


In my application, when I record a scenario, the requests are captured as GET method, When accessed application in firefox, with add on HTTPFox the click is captured as PUT  request.

can you please cross check this issue
  • This is not an issue. It’s the behavior of the tested application. You need 2 different tests for both browsers since the application behave like this. 

  • Sorry, I did not get you. Can you please explain?

  • WebLoadUI can only capture the traffic. It not change the request that passed by the browser to the application. Different browsers can use different requests and even protocols for applications.
  • dpedersen's avatar
    New Contributor
    I have a similar problem with the tool not recording any PUT requests methods.  Running a scenario manually with different browser types and capturing the network traffic I see the PUT request but recording the scenario with LoadUI it does not capture the request.
  • sishtiaq's avatar
    New Contributor
    I am not sure whether the issue is relevant to this thread

    Issue is as follows:

    - I recorded a scenario for editing an item in the browser

    - When I tried to replay it, i got an error message

    It seem error message has something to do with put request