Forum Discussion

javaninja's avatar
Occasional Visitor
2 years ago

Java - execution order between Junit tags and Cucumber hook tags - which ones go first?

Hello, is there any conjunction between Junit tags and Cucumber hook tags execution order ? I have a project with Cucumber feature file, step definition file and page object model. In feature file I want use tag @pageOne and @pageTwo

then in Cucumber hook class I have:

public static List<String> list;

public void beforeOne (Scenario scenario) {
list = scenario.getSourceTagsNames().stream().collect(Collectors.toList());

    public void beforeOne (Scenario scenario) {
    list = scenario.getSourceTagsNames().stream().collect(Collectors.toList());

Then in other class I have @Before Junit annotation.

public void setUpProperties() {
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.load(new FileInputStream(appConfigPath));

if (list.contains(@pageOne)) {
String url = properties.getProperty("pageOne");

if (list.contains(@pageTwo)) {
String url = properties.getProperty("pageTwo");

So I have to run @Before cucumber tag earlier than Junit @before tag because I have to pass ivalue from cucumber before method to junit before method.

Is this possible to set annotation tags order ? I want to run cuumber tag earlier than junit tag.

Thank you

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