Forum Discussion

hootnholler's avatar
New Contributor
13 years ago

Handling "Orphaned" Reviews

We have a situation where not all reviewers properly complete the review workflow. For example, 2 out of 3 reviewers may perform the review but the third person just doesn't get around to it because they are on vacation or working higher priority tasks. These "orphaned" reviews continue to be listed in an employee's Incoming list making it hard to identify the current, relevant reviews.

  • Is there a way to systematically trigger the review to be "Expired - Partially Reviewed" and sent to the next step in the workflow?

  • Is there a way to change the filtering of the "Incoming" reviews to suppress reviews that are a certain amount of time past their review due date?

  • How do other groups handle this type of housekeeping function without having to staff "review enforcers" that chase down folks and force them to complete the review even though the value of their input is no longer timely?

We have a lot of these (yes, there is a comma in the number) in our system that we would really like to get cleaned up.

1 Reply

  • Hello, this is Greg from CodeCollaborator Support.

    For ease of reading, I am just going to inline the answers.

    • Is there a way to systematically trigger the review to be "Expired - Partially Reviewed" and sent to the next step in the workflow?

    There is not a way to do this without changing the user's role to one that a review does not wait on or removing the user.

    • Is there a way to change the filtering of the "Incoming" reviews to suppress reviews that are a certain amount of time past their review due date?

    We do not currently have a way to change the sorting order of reviews. The sorting feature puts the oldest reviews at the top, since those are usually the ones who are past a deadline or have been waiting the longest.

    • How do other groups handle this type of housekeeping function without having to staff "review enforcers" that chase down folks and force them to complete the review even though the value of their input is no longer timely?

    Some other workflows use triggers so that code cannot be pushed until a review is completed, which generally makes devs hurry along so they can get the code into the main trunk. Others generally push on reviewers long/hard enough until reviewing becomes part of the general workflow a dev goes through.  Smaller reviews over larger reviews generally help, as a person is much more likely to sit and review something that is a 10-20 minute read to finish over something that would take hours however large reviews are sometimes unavoidable.


    Greg W.