Forum Discussion

rudisherry's avatar
Occasional Contributor
14 years ago

Changing Compare options break "Next" and "Prev" except in IE

I often review Reviews that have had multiple uploads.

My default settings are to review the difference between the first and the last, rather than just the particular CL I use.

That works well for me (because I review in batches so there are usually multiple uploads by the time I get to it).

Sometimes, though, I want to review just the changes from the last time I looked at it.  So I click on the "Compare" drop-down and choose one of the middle uploads in the left-hand side, then click "Show".

... in all but IE, that breaks "Next" and "Prev".  The correct differences show up, but "Next" and "Prev" (with all options checked) *always* say I've reached the end, no matter what.

Is anyone else seeing this?

2 Replies

  • Hannah's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    What version are you using? There was a fix in v6.0.6013 for this issue.

    From the version history:

    fixed --- Next/prev buttons in diff viewer failed after changing version comparison.  (Case 55166, 54870)
  • rudisherry's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thanks! I'm using 6.0.6012; I'll notify the administrator and see if we can update.  I'll be sure to check the release notes against my version here, didn't think we were that far behind.