Option for "Last 30 Days"
I would like to be able to run a weekly scheduled report on our performance for the Last 30 Days, however currently Last 8 Days is the highest number of days available. Can an option be added to show the last 30 days on scheduled reports? Thank you.aidencolie9 years agoVisitorNew Idea5.1KViews1like2CommentsDownload monitor search for DejaClick
Currently when downloading a transaction from an account via DejaClick for local use, it can be hard to find a transaction depending on the naming convention used in a long list of monitor names. Adding a search option to find a specific monitor would help speed up re-recording and troubleshooting scripts.TMoyer9 years agoStaffNew Idea1.8KViews1like0Commentsbulk settings blackout don't work as expected
This is specifically for the old interface, which I assume would get ported to the new interface. Summary: Type 'notification' blackouts donot apply to Performance Alerts Currently, blackouts of type 'monitoring' affect both device/availability and performance alerts. Blackouts of type 'notification' affect only device/availability alerts and NOT performance alerts. I would expect ablackout to stop all alerts/notifications, certainly if I don’t care about availability I wouldn’t need performance info -- or at least that's my case. The way it currently works I would call it a partial 'notification' blackout. Thanks, Randallrhoerth9 years agoMemberNew Idea1.5KViews1like0CommentsSeparate SSL certification expiration notifications from the overall notification bucket
Hello, We have several groups who receiving Alertsite notifications, each of which performs different functions. All of us received an alert for an expiring SSL certificate (1/1/16) today. It's a minor tidbit, but it would be great to customize these types of alerts to only go to one group (mine for instance). As I understand it, right now these are part of an overall notification bucket so if you could separate that out it would be great. Thanks!umattlit9009 years agoNew MemberNew Idea7.9KViews1like1CommentChange Node Locations Across All Monitors
Currently the only way to change node locations is on a monitor-by-monitor basis. If we wanted all of our transactions to run from a new node, we have to change them all manually. There should be a way to do this one time across all monitors.wmorrisette5 years agoFrequent VisitorImplemented6.1KViews1like4CommentsREST API Call to query a group along with uptime or sla or report of Devices in a Group
REST API Call to query uptime or sla or report of Devices in a Group. This will be very helpful, in way thatone can group devices together and then query the group only to get the devices under it and then get the uptime , sla , report of devices inside thatparticular group.This will be very helpful for users who have hundreds or thousands of devices and don't need to query each device or need to remember the names of the devices inside a group. So one can just query the group to get all the devices under it and then query each device withing that group to get the uptime or sla or report. Please add this feature asap as this is very critical for the business to be able to group devices together and then be able to query groupsusing REST API's.alertsiteuser9 years agoOccasional VisitorNew Idea4.3KViews1like1CommentWhen uploading a Dejaclick recording, have an option to setup a Notifier Group
If I upload a Dejaclick recording (transaction) and it errors, everyone will get that errorunless I quickly log in to the UI and setup a Notifier Group for that transaction. It would be nice to have an option in the Upload Recording screen to setup a Notifier Group so we can avoid everyone getting an alert by accident. Thanks Danwittenst10 years agoOccasional VisitorNew Idea4.3KViews1like1CommentImportance de la qualité sonore dans le choix d'une sonnerie gratuite
Dans l'univers de la personnalisation des téléphones mobiles, le choix d'une sonnerie téléphone est crucial car il reflète souvent la personnalité et les préférences de l'utilisateur. Si l'aspect esthétique de la sonnerie est important, la qualité sonore est un critère essentiel qui peut significativement affecter l'expérience utilisateur. Cet article explore l'importance de la qualité sonore dans le choix d'une sonnerie gratuite et offre des conseils pour sélectionner une sonnerie qui allie esthétique et performance sonore. Pourquoi la qualité sonore est-elle importante ? Clarté des appels : Une bonne qualité sonore assure que la sonnerie est clairement entendue, quel que soit l'environnement. Cela est particulièrement important dans les zones bruyantes où une sonnerie de mauvaise qualité peut facilement se perdre dans le bruit ambiant. Prévention de la fatigue auditive : Les sonneries de mauvaise qualité peuvent produire des sons désagréables qui, à long terme, peuvent causer de la fatigue auditive, surtout si vous recevez de nombreux appels dans la journée. Expression personnelle : La sonnerie de votre téléphone est souvent perçue comme une extension de votre style personnel. Une sonnerie de haute qualité sonore renforce l'image que vous souhaitez projeter. Comment la qualité sonore affecte-t-elle l'expérience utilisateur ? Audibilité : Une sonnerie doit être suffisamment forte et claire pour être entendue dans divers environnements, sans être gênante pour autant. Une bonne qualité sonore permet d'équilibrer ces aspects. Distinction des notifications : Avec une bonne qualité sonore, il est plus facile de distinguer les notifications de différents types d'appels ou messages, ce qui permet une gestion plus efficace des communications. Critères pour évaluer la qualité sonore d'une sonnerie Richesse du son : La sonnerie choisie doit avoir un son riche et complet, qui ne devient pas désagréable à l'oreille à volume élevé. Absence de distorsion : À volume haut, la sonnerie ne doit pas présenter de distorsion. Cela indique que le fichier audio est de haute qualité. Adaptation à l'appareil : Certaines sonneries peuvent sonner différemment selon les appareils en raison des variations dans les systèmes audio. Il est important de tester la sonnerie sur votre propre téléphone avant de faire votre choix final. Où trouver des sonneries gratuites de haute qualité ? Zedge : Offre une large sélection de sonneries gratuites où la qualité sonore est généralement très bonne. Zedge permet également d'écouter la sonnerie avant de la télécharger. Conseils pour choisir une sonnerie gratuite de haute qualité Testez plusieurs options : Avant de vous décider, testez différentes sonneries pour voir comment elles sonnent sur votre appareil spécifique. Lisez les avis : Les commentaires des autres utilisateurs peuvent souvent indiquer des problèmes de qualité sonore non apparents au premier abord. Préférez les formats de haute résolution : Les fichiers audio de meilleure qualité sont généralement en formats tels que MP3 320 kbps ou AAC, qui offrent une meilleure résolution sonore.FarahFarah2 months agoOccasional VisitorNew Idea14Views0likes2CommentsRemote OS modification
Currently your remote locations are logging in using a Linux system. It would be nice if that could be modified to a different OS like Windows. We have things that need to be monitored, but are not allowed to be accessed by a Linux system.bmorey2 months agoRegular VisitorNew Idea35Views0likes3Comments- Pulkit03115 months agoVisitorNew Idea8Views0likes0Comments
API to report availability % at individual transaction step level
We want an API thatreports availability % at individual transaction step level. We have Transaction step summary report that shows Availability % value at every transaction step level but we have a business requirement for certain Apps whose KPI is based on only selected few transactions whose data is to be queried via API and used in external visualization systems. Note: The API -Get Transaction Detail Report | AlertSite Documentation (smartbear.com)isn't providing the availability % value and hence submitting this enhancement requirement as a new idea to have an API thatreports availability % at individual transaction step level..New Idea239Views0likes1CommentImprovisation on custom dashboards - Ability to add required charting data to the custom dashboard
Use case: For app teams which supports multiple apps, they would be interested to view certain key metrics only for the apps that they support which are monitored in SmartBear AlertSite Current Scenario: We can create saved chart for all those apps for the required metrics at monitor/step level series as well as the group dashboard. But, we had to create couple of saved charts in order to view the key metrics at a granular level (If we are adding all those metrics to a same chart, the chart becomes too clumsy due to 2 different metrics with different dimensions of reported metric values that makes the chart to be difficult to read. Example: Adding availability and response time metric to the same chart). Proposal: Ability to allow individual saved charts to the custom dashboards (or) to allowing the required metrics of interest at monitor/step level series (response time, availability, DNS etc...) filtered at specific monitor level to be added directly to the custom dashboards Note: Below are the other proposals concerning custom dashboards: 1) To include time range selection window onto individual widget level or for the entire dashboard level 2) Ability to send these custom dashboards directly to end users (reports) on scheduled basis/adhoc via email in pdf/csv formats. 3) custom dashboards to be shareable without auth (via token key) or atleast to be made available to all users within the same account (rather than those dashboards to be viewable only for those who create it) 4) Bug: Alert Summary widget in custom dashboard shows the browser/device timezone but the displayed timestamp for every other dashboards is in GMT 5) To include search box for alerts and events summary widget227Views0likes0CommentsAPI to provide transaction wise availability statistics for dejaclick monitors
We intend to have an API that provides transaction wise availability statistics for dejaclick monitors. This will certainly help as we have quite a few custom dashboard requirements and having an API that provides step/transaction wise availability % value will be of great help228Views0likes0CommentsIncrease character length of SLA objective fields
The description field and the name field in the Configure SLA Objectives panel are different character lengths. The decription field is 100 characters long and the name field is only 40 characters long, which is not long enough for some of our scripts. if you have two scripts named similiar you are not allowed to add an SLA Obective for the second one becuase it says that name already exists. (because of the truncation) At the very minimum both of these fields should be able to match any script name lengths. example try to add: Mercer_EMEA_RetirementStudio_ParameterPrintJobService_gbbed11as494 and Mercer_EMEA_RetirementStudio_ParameterPrintJobService_gbexe11as376Karen-MMC11 months agoMemberNew Idea315Views0likes0CommentsPlease return all AlertSite API results in UTC time
Currently any results from the AlertSite API are returned using whatever time zone is configured for the entire account. The problem with that is that the widespread standard used by most tools/apps is to assume that API results are in UTC time. Because of this, we are unable to pull data from the AlertSite API into tools like Grafana or Dynatrace, not without having some kind of custom script in between to modify the time fields to UTC. Please either change all API results to use UTC time, regardless of the account settings, or at least add a parameter to all API Requests to have the results returned in UTC time. Or, maybe a setting in the Accounts page that toggles all API results to use UTC time? Also, when I say UTC, I don't mean GMT, as that is a deprecated method of storing and displaying time, since GMT has to be adjusted based on whether or not Daylight Savings time is currently active. UTC does not have this limitation, hence it's widespread use in nearly every modern database and/or API).jhume3 months agoFrequent Visitor331Views0likes3CommentsShow timezone offset for blackout times
Generally it would be nice to show timezone offsets anywhere times are shown on AlertSite, as it is incredibly hard to know what timezone monitors and alerts are relative to. Especially if you are not an admin. But specifically, it would be nice if the blackout periods for an alert showed the timezone they are set for. We had an issue where blackouts were set not realizing which timezone they would apply to since the account was set for a different one. Then the account timezone was changed, and because of the lack of an offset display we assumed the blackout period would update to reflect the new timezone offset, assuming that the display was relative. The blackout display did not change which led to wondering what timezone they actually were configured for. It would be nice to be able to see this explicitly in the UI and not have to guess.peter42 years agoNew MemberNew Idea241Views0likes0CommentsImprovements in Custom Dashboard
We need custom dashboard that allows us to pick up the metrics from various monitors that we have created for the different set of metrics. Also, we should have the ability to grant access for these custom dashboards only for specific/selected set of users (who belongs to specific service line/organization unit/owns specific applications...)IsaacSamuelS2 years agoMemberNew Idea260Views0likes0CommentsBetter Access Control
We would like to see the below 2 improvements from the perspective of well-defined access control: 1) SAML/SSO based access controls to be granted via Active Directory's group name rather than granting access for each and every users' email addresses. Also, for SAML/SSO based user access, there shouldn't be the need to manually set the password in SmartBear AlertSite users administration screen. 2) We need even more granular level of user control that can be defined at monitor level. That is, we want "custom" role that allows us to grant access to smartbear alertsite end users only for the limited set of monitors (the generic 'READ only' role that grants access to view the data for all monitors is not required for all instances of use cases that we have).IsaacSamuelS2 years agoMemberNew Idea219Views0likes0Commentsoption to customise the automatically generated step names shown under the Summary step graph.
With Java and Selenium, I'm building synthetic tests for one application. The script is then uploaded to alertsite monitor. The response graphs steps portion on the alertsite website gives the steps a generic name, such as step1 and step2. While I want to show the names of the steps as the pages that were visited. As alertsite creates them automatically, and sometime alertsite is not able to recognise the change in the URL and it is failing to provide proper monitor name. It would be great to have the ability to customise the step name.RajeshYemul2 years agoOccasional VisitorNew Idea219Views0likes0CommentsSLA Objective calculation
As discussed with one of your technical engineers in Case #00542058. The SLA Objective is calculated on the actual number of checks that have occurred during the time period selected. In our case, we are looking for the previous month's number of checks to be considered into the calculation for the current month. This will provide a more accurate estimate for the SLA objective. Could you give us any estimates when / if this could be implemented? Best regards, Carl Magnuscarlmagnus2 years agoSenior MemberNew Idea273Views0likes0CommentsAdd Send SMS Text option in Template Editor
Need assistance on adding manual text alerts in the AlertSite under the Templates editor... At this point, it allows to accept the email addresses however phone numbers are not accepted. Can we add a feature to accept phone numbers as a valid input?ramjij2 years agoOccasional Visitor380Views0likes0CommentsDashboard Showing Only 30 Days Monitoring Details
AlertSite dashboard currently showing only last 30 days monitoring details. We have requirement to show the monitoring details at least for 1 year. Please add this feature into AlertSite.nnand102 years agoFrequent VisitorNew Idea241Views0likes0Comments- sqamar2 years agoNew MemberNew Idea576Views0likes1Comment
SAML based user access for specific AD groups rather than individual user names
We want the SAML or SSO based user access to be granted at the AD group level rather than granting access at individual users level. Allowing this group level access would benefit all enterprise organizations where there are several users within a single group.isaacsam3 years agoSenior Member341Views0likes0CommentsBlackout at system/account level instead of monitor level
Hi. New feature suggestion regarding blackouts... We have maintenance days scheduled throughout the year where we create a blackout using the bulk settings for all monitors. Even though we know the schedule for the entire year in advance, we cannot setup the blackouts in advance for the entire year because the blackouts are done at the monitor level. Meaning if I wanted to setup a blackout for an event three months from now, I can only select the monitors that exist at the time I'm entering the blackout. If any new monitors are created between the time the blackout was entered and when it actually takes place, they would not be included. Having a way to blackout at the account/system level that would include anything not yet created would be helpful.mbosco513 years agoOccasional VisitorNew Idea375Views0likes0CommentsPrivate Node (Insite) needs update to Chrome
Currently I cannot monitor Slack since it requires Chrome 90 or higher decreasing the value of Private Node. Private Node (Insite) needs a better method to stay current with frequent Chrome updates. This is also valid for Public Node.Tonyv3 years agoSenior MemberNew Idea367Views0likes0CommentsEnable Selenium to be run in Python and set up framework for running tests using python on Alertsite
Given that Alertsite uses selenium 2.5.3 and i have to download an acient copy of eclipse to ensure that it is compaitble with the older version of selenium . I think the next step would be to upgrade to Selenium 3.0 and either use unittest or design your own Pyhon test framework for testing on Alertsite. Python is easy to pick up . It is also a very popular language . Thanks Douglas McGoneglemcgoned20203 years agoRegular VisitorNew Idea1.1KViews0likes1CommentConfigure Pause time duration prior to Local Retry
Local retry and Global Verify Tests are immediately scheduled following the initial failure that triggered the run in production testing. AlertSite today does not have a feature in place to pause the test for a duration of time before the next retry begins. The issue we have is when the AlertSite DejaClick script encounters a failure due to say a network blip, the retry is immediate. For some tests we would rather delay the Retry a few seconds. This would benefit the support team by not sending out alert notifications for false positives.psorenson4 years agoOccasional Visitor1KViews0likes1CommentUnder default locations (settings) provide the option to select the default locations by plan.
The default behavior when a Private Node plan is selected and a private location is not assigned in the default locations is for all private node locations to be assigned when a new monitor is uploaded/created. This causes excessive usage of private nodes and an administrative task to remove all the unnecessary locations from the monitor post creation. Please provide the capability to assign different default locations based on the plan selected. Case #00486161dsimpkins4 years agoRegular VisitorNew Idea405Views0likes0CommentsMonitoring UNC Path or file share
It would be nice if I could monitor a UNC path or a file share. Example: \\servername\pathlkahn714 years agoOccasional VisitorNew Idea411Views0likes0CommentsAllow a monitor to run on a set schedule
I have a set of monitors that I would like to run only oncea month for our production events weekends. It is not always on a set date every month. These monitors verify that everything is back up after the PEW and are run at only 4AM on a Sunday morning. If there is an error with one of them, it would email the group that is assigned to the monitor.lkahn714 years agoOccasional VisitorNew Idea447Views0likes0CommentsMicrosoft Edge Dejaclick
We are having one of our flagship applications that is compatible only with Microsoft Edge browser after their recent release/deployment. It would be a great benefit to us if SmartBear AlertSite platform supports the recording of synthetic scripts in Microsoft Edge Browser using deja click recorder.ShuaibAP3 years agoVisitorNew Idea1.4KViews0likes2CommentsUpgrade chrome to latest version
"Hello team, as Chrome 85 is almost a full year out-of-date (release of August 25th 2020) we suggest upgrading to at least Chrome 90, which has a release date of April 2021, and if at all possible to the current chrome 90 patch."phutanejnv4 years agoOccasional VisitorNew Idea393Views0likes0CommentsChrome Version: 90 Support for Alertsite Dejaclick
There is an enterprise-wide initiative to introduce OS and Browser governance of end-user laptops. They are rolling out New Chrome browser v90 which google just released. It seems Alertsite recently completed the process of rolling out Chrome Version: 85.0.4183.121 to public monitoring networks. We request you to rollout the recent Chrome Version v90 to public monitoring networks.mnachiappan804 years agoOccasional VisitorNew Idea369Views0likes0CommentsMqtt Monitoring
We are using mqtt in our products. I can see you have support for mqtt in Ready API but actually there is no way to monitor it in AlertSite. So we want to be able tocreate a monitor to simulate actions of an MQTT client for received and published messages.mrtyuz4 years agoRegular VisitorNew Idea434Views0likes0CommentsAPI Monitor Current Date Variable
We need a way to populate a variable with the current date or time. In one of our API calls, the API is expecting a start date and end date. Those dates need to be somewhere within the last 6 months. Aside from calling some 3rd party API that would return the current date (which would make our test dependent on another API being available and increase our credit usage), I'm not finding a way to populate a variable with the current date. In SoapUI tests we are doing the following startDate=${=def now = new Date();now.month=now.month-1;now++;now.format("yyyy-MM-dd")} endDate=${=def now = new Date();now.format("yyyy-MM-dd")}rksmith4 years agoRegular VisitorNew Idea379Views0likes0CommentsHave AlertSite monitor API's that use Kerberos Authentication
I have an API in ReadyAPI that uses Kerberos Authentication. I worked with SmartBear support to get it working via these steps:https://support.smartbear.com/readyapi/docs/requests/auth/types/spnego.html. I get errors when I upload the API to Alertsite as a monitor, because these same changes need to be made to our private node in order to run, which is not available. We would like it to be possible to run this web service as a monitor on our private node in Alertsite.Federated_Mutua4 years agoSenior MemberNew Idea458Views0likes0CommentsInclude debug events to the /events API endpoint
Using the legacy UI (Alertsite 1.0) we can list events via Account -> Manage Account -> Events and select event type "_Debug events" to have detailed insight into any configuration changes happening. When querying the /events API endpoint (https://api.alertsite.com/swag/#!/events/getEvents) I'm unable to get the same type of events. It would be useful to have access to this data via the /events API endpoint to ingest that data and integrate it in an auditing workflow on our side.smetj4 years agoNew ContributorNew Idea2KViews0likes6CommentsRegarding secondary servers
It would be great if we have a secondary server when the primary server fails down.Lets say If the Server in a region is down for sometime, Alert Site can automatically pickup a backup server in same location to monitor those URLs. As of now we are getting alerts if the server is down.Alert Site does not have a function to verify from a secondary private location when the other is failing automatically. It would be very helpful when it automatically picks up the secondary one which can make the process continue without any interruption to the current process.Mattel1234 years agoFrequent VisitorNew Idea359Views0likes0CommentsAllow Co-admins to manage "Enhanced permissions'
Hello, Is it possible to allow co-admins to also manage enhanced permissions? Right now it's only Global Admin. Thanks.carlmagnus4 years agoSenior MemberNew Idea1.2KViews0likes2CommentsAdd "Report Expired SSL Certifications option" to API Monitors.
For web monitors, in the "SSL Options" tab, there is a possibility to enable "Report Expired SSL Certifications option". I'd like to see this option for API monitors as well. Thanks.carlmagnus4 years agoSenior MemberNew Idea398Views0likes0CommentsVisibility of all cases submitted for users in the Case Management Portal.
We would like to have visibility of allcases submitted for users.carlmagnus4 years agoSenior MemberDeferred to Support1.7KViews0likes2CommentsSSO-backed login to the Case Management Portal
The case management portal should provide a SSO-backed login.Today, each person or team creates their own support tickets and there isn't really an overview or a way of tracking those.This can result in duplicated tickets, or that tickets are created for already solved issues.carlmagnus4 years agoSenior MemberAccepted for Discussion1.2KViews0likes2CommentsAlertsite: Declare and Hide Variables at the Beginning of the Test
Our company needs a way to declare a variable at the beginning of our test and then hide that variable behind some kind of encryption so that it cannot be viewed again. This is similar to the already-implemented feature of hiding tokens for login purposes, but in our case, we need multiple secret variables that can be used throughout the testing process.devon654 years agoOccasional VisitorNew Idea448Views0likes0CommentsRequest to Include "Error message help" in JSON template
For the JSON template related to Site error/performance error, we would like to get the detailed error message that caused a particular transaction failure. This error message help is available in html template and are helpful. We would like to have this field added to JSON templates for site error/performance error as well, so that the alerts that we send using JSON format to external data sources will be more meaningful.isaacsam4 years agoSenior MemberNew Idea324Views0likes0Comments