Support for Search-Replace functionality
Hi, This would really be useful for any quick replacement in the script. I realized the need for this feature when i had to re-record test-scripts in my previousrelease. My product request contains a value in pathwhich changes in each release. I also did one time investment of development by replacing all my request constant value with variable. But later when a fix arised, the new release requests were changed. So i had to re-record all my request inorder to incorporate requestchanges. A search and replace functionality will be great add-on to this very nice tool!SagarShroff7 years agoOccasional ContributorCommunity Feedback Requested5.3KViews3likes4CommentsLink Offset values to Virtual User Groups
Currently you can only set 1 offset value for the complete test. This is not sufficient because I need to use different Offset values for different Virtual User Groups (to be able to simulate slow and fast working users) (this is because our application uses a timestamp in the users' response body to calculate how fast/slow a user is working with the application). I need to be able to set different offset values, and link this to Virtual User Groups. Somehow it would need to be possible to link Offset values to Virtual User Groups, to simulate "fast" users and "slow working" users.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorNew Idea1.4KViews2likes0CommentsOption to exclude a particular page from being included in the Top 10 > Slow Pages (Average) section
I would like an option to exclude a particular page from being included in theTop 10 > Slow Pages (Average)section. Use Case: I have a test with 10 virtual users, each signing into an app and doing different things.The problem I am facing is that the sign in page (or landing page after user signs in) is one of the slowpages and after a load test, 6-8 entries in theSlow Pages (Average)list will be filled with the sign in page data from different users and the Top 10 list would look like this: Scenario1: Page 0003 (Action XXXX) Scenario3: Page 0002 (Sign in) Scenario2: Page 0002 (Sign in) Scenario5: Page 0002 (Sign in) Scenario4: Page 0002 (Sign in) Scenario9: Page 0002 (Sign in) Scenario6: Page 0002 (Sign in) Scenario8: Page 0008 (Action XXXX) Scenario10: Page 0002 (Sign in) Scenario7: Page 0002 (Sign in) Because of this, I think I am missing information related to other slow pages. I would like to either: Show "Sign in" page only once (the one that took the longest) in the list OR: After I see the above scenario, be able to exclude "Sign in" from the Top 10 list in subsequent test iterations. Also fromAlexKaras: "I think that it must be considered how to clearly indicate that the given report lists not Top 10 Slow Pages, but Top 10 Slow *Filtered* Pages, so that it is clear to report viewer that there are even more slow pages than those reported but for some reason these pages (provide names?) were filtered out."jose_pjoseph7 years agoContributorNew Idea3.7KViews2likes2CommentsImplement support for versioning systems (SVN)
I would like LoadComplete to support integration with versioning systems (like SVN, other systems might be welcome as well). Just like TestComplete has support for SVN. Please vote if you would love to see this implemented as well.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorAccepted for Discussion2.9KViews2likes1CommentEnable Up/ Download speed settings on Tests
Currently, in the Test Editor, you can only select out of a few pre-defined Connection Speed settings. Better simulation of connection speeds would be possible if this could be updated to specifying specific Upload/ Download bandwith settings (in Kb/s, MB/s, etc). E.g. Download speed: 40 MB/s Upload speed: 10 MB/smgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorCommunity Feedback Requested5.2KViews2likes5CommentsImplement Load profile/QoS/Think time per test item when running in parrallel
Having created multiple test items, I noticed that the test conditions (load profile/continuous load settings/think time settings/QoS etc are not on the level of specific test items, but are on the global level.... (for all test items). Is this logical? I mean I can think of an approach you want different load profiles for different test items. See attached screenshot. I have created 2 test items, but I can only set the settings on the general level... I want LC to be improved so that I can set different load scenario's for different test items. Same counts for Think Time as illustrated in the screenshot. I know it's possible to create different tests and have different Load scenarios for them but I am specifically pointing the fact on running tests in parallel.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorAccepted for Discussion3KViews2likes1CommentInclude station data in Test Report
I run the test on 4 connected stations. (using 4 instances of LC's Remote Agent). In the report I can't make any distinction on response speed/transfer speed/ TTFB/TTLB on specific machine. I am not reffering to server metrics like CPU, but more on connection info, and graphs which can make distinctions between the tested machines (Remote Agents). For example I want to see difference between average Page Load time for machine 1 compared to machine 2. Another example: I want to compare values of average TTFB of machine 1 and average TTFB on machine 3, etc..mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorAccepted for Discussion4.1KViews2likes3CommentsImplement record traffic from specific browser only (without launch function)
Currently, when you disable the option to launch a specific browser, you cannot select option "record traffic from this browser only" . (it's only enabled if you enable the launch option). Consider this scenario: I don't want LC to start a browser, however I only want to record data from browser Chrome. In current setup, this is not possible. So, I want LC to be updated to support this scenario.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorAccepted for Discussion3.3KViews2likes1CommentReport comparison handling
In the Compare Results interface, it would be nice if users could easily specify which report will be Report A and which will be Report B. As it stands, whichever report is selected first becomes Report A, and it's confusing to figure out how to rearrange test results.Implemented6.3KViews3likes3CommentsImplement enable/disabling validators / data-extractors by implementing check boxes
I am missing a feature to easily enable/disable created lines in validations / data extractor modules. By creating a feature that easily enable/disables them (using checkboxes) it's easier to work with LC. See attached screenshot for illustration.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorAccepted for Discussion3.3KViews2likes2CommentsMake window Correlate Request / Response parameters resizeable
Currently, this window is fixed in size. Meaning you have to scroll left and right to view/edit the found parameters. Could be easier if this popup window could be maximed / made bigger.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorImplemented3.6KViews2likes2CommentsPlease implement support for testing applications that use client-side certificates
Please implement support for testing applications that use client-side certificatesleoli7 years agoNew ContributorImplemented4.2KViews2likes3CommentsVirtual user groups are executed sequentially within a test, not in parallel
When simulating 2 virtual user groups in parallel, it executes segment by segment sequentially. But its better to executesimultaneously to analyze the performance. ThanksJanett7 years agoOccasional ContributorImplemented6.6KViews2likes5CommentsMake it possible to use variables within the data correlation expression
Now when correlating data, it is possible to replace only the whole value of the parameter been correlated with the variable value. Though it is quite a common case when only partial data replacement is needed. At the moment, this can be solved with the help of the Set Variable Value operation (often, with the non-trivial expression). But this workaround: a) cannot be used in the scenarios that use Call Scenario operation; and b)clogs up thescenario logic (especially, if more than one variable must be set). It would be great if it is possible to use variable itselfwithin the data correlation expression. And I beleive that this will not decrease the performance of scenario simulation. Please see the threadas an example that illustrates this request. It would be handy if the approach that the author of the thread tried initially is possible.AlexKaras6 years agoChampion Level 3New Idea1.3KViews1like0CommentsExport HTML Reports via Command Line
My company runs LoadComplete daily across all of our sites to check response times. Since we have over 30 websites, it's easy to see why we would like to automate this task. Via command line, we want to be able to run a test and export the resultsto a web page (HTML), but the only reporting options there are via command line are PDF, MHT, or XML. Although MHT is similar to what we want, most modern browsers don't know how to render them without some kind of plugin, so HTML would be the best option. I know LoadComplete can export reports in HTML in the software, so I would assume it wouldn't be too hard to add this to the command line option. If you could do this for us, that would be great. Thank you.LandonLuko7 years agoRegular VisitorNew Idea1.2KViews1like0CommentsExtract multiple occurances of a variable from a resouce body and randomly use one variable
In the case where the result body contains a list of items returned, allow selection of multiple occurances of the ID or unique item for each row in the result body. Randomly select one of the result and return that result in a variable to be used in a later request.BillD5 years agoMemberNew Idea5.5KViews1like3CommentsDisplay metrics of how many requests are processed per second by the application server
This feature request was submitted on behalf ofRamyam Intelligence Lab Pvt. Ltd Report the overall number of requests that were processed by the application server per second. Customer's comment:This will help us tunethe application's server parameters. Thanks, Yimyyimy7 years agoCommunity ManagerNew Idea2.9KViews1like1CommentInclude used variables (and their values) in Load Test Report
Use case: My load tests use lots of variables. These variables often influence test circumstances, and I want to have the variables used mentioned in the Load Test Report. A good way (I think) would be to implement a new tab named Variables and create a list of used variables and their values in that section. See below for example: Note: also make this info available in the Exports (PDF, HTML)mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorNew Idea1.3KViews1like0CommentsSplit up offset values for Time
Right now you can only set a value for hour (or parts of hour) for Offset values. For example for a 1-minute offset you have set (1/60th parts of 1) - 1 has the value of 1 hour. For more fractional parts you have define even smaller parts. Also you cannot set offset values for year/month/days Please improve this by implementing offset values for year/months/days etc in seperate input fields.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorNew Idea1.3KViews1like0Commentsplease support inserting Tags (Keys and Values) on Amazon Images
Use case: We run our tests on custom build Amazon Images. However, to maintain the overview, Tags are used to identify images (also used for cost / management). Please improve LoadComplete so that Tags (keys and values) can be given in LoadComplete, and these values are being set when the Amazon Image is created.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorNew Idea1.2KViews1like0CommentsProvide option to Copy (and paste) Tests
Provide option to Copy (and Paste)Tests. Selecting Copy (option to be added in the context menu) copies selected test to memory. Pasting them (option to be added in the context menu), pastes them : [samename]_02 (or something like that).mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorAccepted for Discussion3.1KViews1like2CommentsProvide option to Copy (and Paste) Scenarios
Provide option to Copy (and Paste) Scenarios. Selecting Copy (option to be added in the context menu) copies selected test to memory. Pasting them (option to be added in the context menu), pastes them : [samename]_02 (or something like that).mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorCommunity Feedback Requested3.1KViews1like2CommentsImplement more operations in the Validators function
Currently, you can only check on equalness, contain or does not contain. But I would like to be able to check if a value is between specific values (eg. > 0 , < 1000). Could this be implemented in the Operations section.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorNew Idea981Views1like0CommentsInclude averages on Reports for relevant statistics
In the generated Report all sort of values are calculated and displayed. For example Page Load Time, Scenario Completion Time etc. and these values are displayed at intervals of 5 seconds. But I miss overall averages (of course these can be calculated by copy/pasting the tables to Excel), but would be better if these are mentioned in the reports as well: see attached example:mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorNew Idea898Views1like0CommentsInclude IP addresses (plus image specifics) on the Test Report when Amazon Images are used
We run our tests on Amazon Images. Any info about these images is lacking on the test report. In the test report, we would like to see image specifics like image type as defined in the image definition: Also IP addresses as they are generated when the test is initiated (see below): Please include all above info in the test log (for example on the Infrastructure tab (or a new tab). So a more resourceful Test Report can be generated.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorNew Idea909Views1like0CommentsPlease include support for Server monitoring (CPU, memory) on Amazon Images
We run our load tests on Amazon Images. We would like to monitor server metrics (CPU, memory, network etc) on these images and include these in the logs. Currently this is (as far as I know of), not supported by LoadComplete. Please include this feature in upcoming version of LoadComplete.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorNew Idea874Views1like0CommentsInclude markers on requests which have (one or more) Data Extractors and/or Validators
Right now, it's hard to get an overview on which Requests have Data Extractors and Data Validators in them, within a specific scenario. Could LoadComplete be improved so that markers could be placed on the requests which have Data Selectors and/or Validators in them. See below screenshot:mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorAccepted for Discussion2.2KViews1like1CommentBeing able to set notes to Test Log
Please improve LoadComplete so that the tester can add notes to the test log so he/she can set (personal) notes (like test environment specifics), because a lot of relevant test log specific data is not set in the log. See attached screenshot for illustration:mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorAccepted for Discussion1.9KViews1like1CommentIncrease performance of getting the results from the log
Use case: I run a load test of 1 hour of 75 users on 10 Amazon Images. After the test finishes it takes 20 minutes to receive the log. In the mean time I see this progress bar processing very slowly. Could the performance of the process (uploading the logfile) be improved? I think having to wait 20 mins for a load test of 1 hour could/should be improved. Note: Bandwidth of our office network/Amazon could not be the issue, so this can be excluded.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorImplemented3KViews1like3CommentsMake it possible to use project variables as values for Page Think times
Similar to this request, I would have LoadComplete to be able to use project variables as values for Page Think Times. Use case: with this implementation you can run the test at different speeds (for specific pages!) easily. See below screenshot:mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorAccepted for Discussion1.8KViews1like1CommentImplement export / save functionality of request and response headers and bodies
I would like LoadComplete to be able to save / export request headers /bodies and response header/bodies? Why? because we need to analyse specific requests and responses and want to use Excel for analysis.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorAccepted for Discussion1.8KViews1like1Commentsearch on variable names
I want LoadComplete to be improved so that you can use search function on used parameter names. Right now, when searching on a used parameter name, no results are returned.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorCommunity Feedback Requested2.1KViews1like2CommentsImplement host to test in Test Editor
Use case: we have multiple test environments, which have identical software running, but different environment settings (hardware, setup etc). When I record my tests on env1 I want to easily run it against env2. You can see the used Hosts in scenario itself, but it's not easy to switch (currently you have to update all pages). I want LoadComplete to support easy running the same test on different environment. How? By adding a column Host on the Test Editor window. In this field the user can enter the environment URL (or variable name) to easy switch between test environments and press Play. For example: env1 : env2: script is recorded on, then to run the test on only the field Host on Test Editor has to be changed from to (or variable names)mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorCommunity Feedback Requested2.9KViews1like4CommentsTo add custom headers to several / to all requests of the given scenario
Use case: The scenario contains x pages. Each page contains y requests. E.g. I need to add a custom header to each first request on the each page. The idea is to make an option to edit specific requests in a certain way. Something like this: On the image above I want to select Requests 189, 191, 192 and then update them, addingsome specific header: Parameter / Valuebaxatob7 years agoCommunity HeroAccepted for Discussion3.3KViews1like4CommentsInclude logo (picture) in PDF Test Report
I would like to be able to select/include a company logo picture (including Browse function) in the PDF test log. This image printed on each page in the header of the page (size can be limited - should be checked on by LoadComplete)mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorCommunity Feedback Requested2.1KViews1like2Commentsinclude loop progress in progress indicator
My Load test framework contains several loops. Currently, LoadComplete does not take into account the progress within each loop, when displaying the progress indicator. I would like to see some form of progress calculation within the currently active loop so I can see how progress is within the loopmgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorAccepted for Discussion2.2KViews1like2CommentsImplement random value for Loop
I would like LoadComplete's Loop function to be improved so that it's value can be randomized (determined at runtime), between a set min and max value. The reason for that is that I want my user(s) to perform recurring tasks (thats the reason why I use Loop function) in different loads (for example: simulated user 1 performs the tasks in the loop 4 times, simulated user 2 performs these same tasks 8 times, simulated user 3 14 times, etc. I see LoadComplete enhanced so that min and max values can be set, and a checkbox that can be enabled/disabled to calculate random values (at runtime) and executes the tests (the loop) with these pre-testrun calculated loop values.mgroen28 years agoSuper ContributorNew Idea862Views1like0CommentsImplement random page time option on Page level
Currently it is not possible to combine random Page times with fixed think times. For example, I have following scenario (see attached screenshot): I have 2 Pages, I want the first page to have fixed think time of 6000ms, I want the second page to have a random think time between 10 and 500ms. Note: There might also be created an option to switch between fixed/ random times on the Test Editor:mgroen28 years agoSuper ContributorNew Idea2.5KViews1like2CommentsInclude columns Duration, Response Time, Response Body Size in exporting to CSV and XML tree files
In the Details section of the test log, you can export to CSV and XML. However, these functions do not export Duration, ThinkTime, and Response Time columns and values. Could LoadComplete please be upgraded so that these values are included in the export (for both CSV and XML files exports) ? Thanks.mgroen28 years agoSuper ContributorNew Idea1.1KViews1like0CommentsImplement support of browser parameters (flags)
For the application we need to test to work well, we need to start browser Chrome with a setup option:" --allow-running-insecure-content" Right now, this scenario is not supported in LoadComplete, since you can only select caching mode: Currently, there is not an option to set any chrome startup flags, so if you enable the option "Launch Web browser", Chrome is started (by LoadComplete), there is no way to control Chrome (or any other browser) setup behaviour.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorAccepted for Discussion3KViews1like4CommentsImplement QoS on request level
Currently you can only set QoS (value for page load time, TTFB) values for tests. However I need to be able to set QoS on specific pages (or even better) specific requests/responses. So in my opinion LC could be improved by implementing QoS values on requests/responses. See attached screenshot.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorAccepted for Discussion2.4KViews1like2Commentsinclude enabled/disabled checkboxes in filters
Currently, it's not possible to quickly enable/disable specific entries you have specified in the filter sections. Please include enable/disable checkboxes (on line level), so that enable/disabling can be done more easily. See attached screenshot.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorAccepted for Discussion2.9KViews1like3Commentsimplement Enable Y/N checkboxes in Test editor
Currently, there is no way to easy enable/disable a test item in Test Editor. Only way to disable an item is to delete an item, or add an item to enable it again. See attached screenshot. I'd suggest to add an item Enabled, with checkboxes for each test item in the list, so that quickly enabling/disabling of test items is possible.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorAccepted for Discussion1.7KViews1like1Commentno horizontal scrollbar in custom graph section
There is currently lacking a horizontal graph bar in the Custom Graph section - therefore not possible to view the last part of the graph - Please include a horizontal scroll bar in this screen.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorAccepted for Discussion2.2KViews1like2CommentsDisplay emulated connection speed in Test Report
Currently the emulated connection speed, is not displayed anywhere in the report. Please include this in the General Info section. Thanks.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorAccepted for Discussion2.3KViews1like2Commentssupport renaming scenario's in Call To
Currently (version 4.6), when you rename an already created scenario, the new name is not automatically inherited. Resulting in errors, just because you rename a scenario. Please support renaming scenarios as it should be.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorImplemented2.9KViews1like2CommentsImplement validation based on numeric value
This feature request is based on following: I need to implement a validation, based on value of ContentLength. The test should fail if ContentLength equals 0. I have read the info about validation here.But this only works for validation on strings. I want to have a validation based on numeric value of a response. Of course, the value of the Contenlength changes for every request (it's not a fixed value). Only thing that counts is that validation should pass if ContentLength value > 0, and that it should fail in all other cases. There is currently no easy way to implement such validation. I would like LoadComplete to be improved with such easy validation. See attached screenshot for clarification.mgroen28 years agoSuper ContributorNew Idea934Views1like0Commentsadd access type to variable window
Hi, Please add the access type to the variables window. See attached screenshot. This would greatly enhance overview of variables. Thanks.mgroen27 years agoSuper ContributorImplemented2.5KViews1like2Comments